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Five reasons every organisation needs a robust skills framework aligned with SFIA

By Andy Choquette 
Published: March 1, 2023
READ TIME: 2 minutes
The essential foundation piece for effective workforce planning is a comprehensive understanding of the skills an organisation has and the skills they need.

Amidst the rapid pace of the information age, knowing what staff are capable of – or where digital and ICT skills gaps exist – is crucial to ensuring ongoing success. 

Thankfully, much of the hard work has already been done by the industry recognised Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) Foundation, which produces the global skills and competencies framework required by business and technology professionals across all levels of responsibility.

What is the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA)?

Why should your organisation map roles against the SFIA framework?

Mapping the roles and skills in your organisation against SFIA is the key to understanding, supporting and growing a future-proof workforce. A daunting task to some perhaps, but one that will ensure your business has the capabilities needed to achieve its goals, and here’s why:

  1. Defining the requirements for every role in your organisation by SFIA level ensures you maintain a consistent measure of professional skills and competencies within your workforce, aligned with global standards.
  2. Understanding where true skills gaps exist will enable your organisation to adopt a targeted approach to filling them, either through education and training programs or with external hires.
  3. Using these gaps to inform targeted employee growth plans will offer clearer learning and development pathways that are beneficial to both staff and the organisation.
  4. Empowering HR teams with accurate, comprehensive role descriptions and competency requirements will ensure the right people – with the right skills – are found when going to market for a new hire.
  5. Future workforce planning will be better informed with an accurate understanding of your existing staff’s competencies, and the skills they need to drive digital transformation.

WithYouWithMe is a SFIA Global Accredited Partner
Find out more about the SFIA framework →

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Once the framework is in place, organisations can use SFIA as the single source of truth for skills and competencies across all digital roles and the agile foundation on which effective training programs can be designed and implemented.

Through our partnership with SFIA, WYWM have several experts who can guide your organisation in creating this framework, validating staff’s skills, identifying their potential and training them for future. Best get started today.

Get in touch to find out how your entire enterprise could benefit from creating a skills framework or aligning your existing one with SFIA.

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