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Skills mapping on Potential: Enhancing user profiles with skills self-assessment

By Paul Wahltuch 
Published: February 9, 2024
READ TIME: 2 minutes
We’ve been working on some important updates to Potential to enable organisations to skills map their workforces on-platform and at-scale.

The first round of updates has seen the development of a skills self-assessment capability aligned with SFIA and the ability for managers to set skill level requirements for job postings.

What’s new?

On the user side... We’ve created a new ‘Skills’ tab where you can easily add a broad range of technology-based skills to your profile and self-assess against SFIA levels. Get the low-down on each SFIA skill and the range of competencies required should you wish to take it to the next level. Skills can be tracked, added to and updated as you go through training.

On the organisation side... Managers can create more defined job postings by setting SFIA-aligned skill level requirements. These requirements make it easier to define the skill set and competencies an internal or external candidate needs to fill that role – or where they may need to upskill.

We’ve also updated the definitions we use to guide your thinking on the importance of each skill. Is a skill essential to the role and critical for basic performance and the demands of the position? If so, it’s a Core skill. Specialised skills are those that are important to the refinement of job performance and involve specialised knowledge or abilities. And, Supplementary skills refer to those that are not crucial but add value and versatility.

Throughout the year, we’ll be launching further updates to ease the process for organisations to skills map their workforces and realise the true value of our skills-based employment approach.

If you have fresh ideas, feedback or suggestions for the product team, get in touch today. 

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